

On tomorrow’s Art Lounge we’ll be talking with Mike Knowles, John Brown and Andrew Smith. Mike will be chatting from his extensive experience about art in the region and particularly referencing the art of portraiture – in line with his daughter artist Emma Knowles’ exhibition at the Ucheldre Centre.

John Brown is curating an exhibition of artists from Wales in an international exhibition at the Streminski Academy of Art in Lodz, Poland next month. He will be joining us together with artist and Bangor University lecturer Andrew Smith to talk about this event:

So join us live on 102.5FM in the region or on-line at from 10.00-11.00am gmt on Tuesday.

ICAW exhibiting in Poland.

ICAW exhibiting in Poland.

I’m so looking forward to this much is happening. Exhibitions in Lithuania and at Griffin Gallery in London for one thing and then my new series of ‘The Art Lounge’, which will be live on FM for the first time, with Radio Mon FM 102.5FM, so Anglesey and Gwynedd county can tune in easily. We’re not just digitally available anymore , although we’ll still be doing that and hope to win back listeners in the US, Brazil, India, Argentina, Australia, Egypt, Finland, Spain and Korea…to name just a few locations!


‘The Nourishing’ (detail), exhibited Fez, April-May. La Festiival des Arts Plastiques de Fes 2014.

So artist friends, arts professionals and art lovers everywhere, tell me what you want to hear about and what you’ve got going on. Now’s the time to get in touch if you have any events you want flagged up, locally reviewed or any burning topics you want aired. I’m planning some round table discourse (well more like triangular table, given the studio furnishings….) …covering themes like gallery exhibiting, Open Studios, Art in Cafes, artist’s pay, art in war torn areas, and I want YOUR ideas too. Please email me at In the last series I interviewed illustrators, designers, painters, jewellers, glass artists, sculptors, performance artists, and photographers and I’m looking to include arts administrators too this time.

My Spring was busy with exhibitions in Spain and Morocco, and I started sending my sculptures abroad for the first time. I was thrilled to bring out my new catalogue with an insightful and so eloquent essay by Andrew Smith of Bangor University. A very hearty big Thank You to him. Hopefully soon I’ll have this in some additional languages but for now just in English, click on this link to see it.

New Catalogue


I have real pleasure in sharing with you the entries in our Mon Cafe Poetry on the Radio challenge, set by poet Fiona Owen a few weeks ago. Many thanks to all our participants and to Fiona for encouraging these creative acts!

For more info on Mon Cafe’s periodic creative challenges on Radio Mon FM, check out :









Just a short jog to the June river


From our house  in Thamesford, Ontario


Where pink peonies edge the driveway.




A box yew stands sentinel at the front door and


Being of Welsh origin we are the only cartref on


The block with a privet hedge marking a boundary.




Once we pass the hedge there are five more homes


Where we can smile at the neighbours sitting in


Their aromatic Adirondack chairs on painted porches.




Then we cross the River Road, enter the parkway and hear


The Thames tributary  chortling along in expectation of its descent


Via a shallow waterfall to scuttle south under a road bridge and on.








In some ways, I am lost walking down  Byron Avenue in June.


For over forty years I have forsaken this place as Wales calls


To me and I answer–with a suitcase and some waiting poems. 




If I was there now I could  follow my bliss and solemnly stroll


Down Pont-y-Capel Lane  where  fragrances of wild flowers


Leeks and linden capture my senses and carry me back in time




To childhood and Sunday morning strolls with my father.


This is Father’s Day and bluebells ring out their message


Of constancy, and honeysuckle spreads abundance and devotion.




A curlew lingers and haunts the space, a skylark cries.


The month of June,  when the dew in Wales is heaviest


Begets the tears of my saddest day–my father’s early death.








Afon Alyn remembers our shadows and our brightness,


Our coming and our going,  as cosy trees shroud over  her


like a blue-green mantle in the twilight.   While young foxes




Saved from road-kill,  raised in captivity, now grown and free


Also remember us.  And I too am free to be where I am. 


Two countries, two homelands, in my head and heart.




© Beryl Baigent






Residents and Prisoners



Confined by weather, instead


I watch. The empty garden seats


settle back, bask in the rain.


They look expectant.



And visitors do come. Little 


brown jobs – flycatchers? – hover


round the shrubs vibrating their wings


drab hummingbirds.



Snazzy cock pheasant saunters out


from behind the greenhouse,


crosses the lawn and stalks


right up to the window to peer in.



A blackbird commandeers


the fence just long enough for


a single rendering of his signature tune:


quick assertion of property rights. Then off.



And bees – more bees than I saw


all last summer – assiduous


as Japanese tourists at one hedge


of cotoneaster, though the buds are barely open.



But now an unlucky nuthatch, a scruffy


fledgling, panics into the greenhouse,


pinballing off the glass. Visitor


turned prisoner. I creep over,



leave the door open, cross my fingers.



Stevie Krayer


17 June 2013






Out of Synch… by Pauline Kenyon


This year the seasons are all jumbled


Flowers do not know their place,


They’re popping up in flowerbeds


Like some weird kind of race.




There’s blossom bursting skyward


Whilst the bluebells bloom below


Amongst azaleas and wallflowers


Brightly petalled as they grow.




The irises are gleaming –


With pansies pushing through


The yellowing leaves of daffodils


Glist’ning in the morning dew.




The clematis is high climbing


With blooms as big as dinner plates


As the weeds and grass zoom upwards


And tenacious bindweed gyrates.




What a tapestry of colour


A magic carpet of delight,


Despite the seasonal mayhem


Everything is quite all right!










The Furthest Edge




We lay under a tree


at the edge of the shining buttercupped field,


smelt greenness and May blossom.


Looked up through fresh, lace leaves


to the ocean-blue sky.


A blackbird voiced our joy.




But high above the living tree


were bare boughs thrusting up,


sombre, stencilled black against the sky.


Then, staring longer, we could see


a thousand glistening spiders’ webs


adorning every gnarl and fork,


swaying in the breeze.


And we imagined we beheld,


up there above our heads,


a hidden, dark, mysterious world,


a busy, scuttling pouncing place


at the very furthest edge


of the shining, sun-reflecting buttercups.






Joy Mawby 14.6.13








In a first pink sky, 


Unfurled, unformed, unstretched,


Our dawn of life is soft and thin,


Uncertain, curled in hidden possibility.




Light washes in a morning of colour, 


A burst of buds, a promise of petals.


The shadows shorten.


Energy floods


And the grand rotation of the sun 


Finds it vertical at noon,




A furious brilliance of light 


With shadows short,


Acute and sharp.




At dusk the leaves are still


In shadow and translucent;


They gain a green they lost in the midday glare.


I see their shapes and how they have grown,


And the sky is the colours of any rose I have ever seen


In my life.









Despite the rigours of my nearly 2yr old still clambering for food at 5.30am and absolutely refusing to sleep until ridiculous teenage hours, we celebrate women’s vigour on tonight’s show…with powerful woman artists Dolores Sanchez Calvo ( Dolores Sanchez Calvo website )and Wanda Zyborska (Wanda Zyborska website).  Tune in as usual at 8.00pm on this link :

Death pays post apolcalyptic respect

Birth stretches  Artworks by Wanda Zyborska.

Hope you can join me, Eli Acheson, Eli Acheson website

Me and BB

My young son is now making enchanting verbal mistakes we don’t have the heart to correct. ‘E-truck’ for elephant for example, or ‘Warbies’ for strawberries. It being the culmination of Euro 2012 and the time when all full-blooded Arabs shout ‘Ya Ragle!’ (Oh boy!) at the TV screen in exclamation of anything on the pitch (most usually a missed shot at goal), half Egyptian BB is now shouting ‘Ya Wagle!’ with gusto. (Well done Spain and commis to Italy my friends).

Touching vehicles has also replaced our mealtimes, as we are continuously dragged into carparks and streets at the demand to ‘Touch Bus’ or ‘Touch Bike’, Touch Van!’ or even, yesterday ‘Touch Tortoise’. This was interesting in the hotel car park in Norfolk last week, with Dr E and me doing relays from the breakfast table outside to accommodate these vociferous and passionate demands. Rice Krispies totally discarded in favour of touch relay. least until we discovered the dastardly Coco-pops. Still that only staved things off for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile ‘The Art Lounge’ is picking up more listeners in more countries, and thank you SOOOO much for tuning in and all your positive comments! The programme is growing its own form and I’m generally up for suggestions and input.

David Jones’ talked about his installation ‘Angels on Washing Lines’ in the interview with him a few weeks ago. Now its up and looks magical, go see it if you’re on the island, do, here’s some pics:

On today’s programme we’re chatting to a bunch of our local art students just back from winning a huge award to go to Japan – where they won further acclaim. Coming in with them is Soo Paul, college  tutor and textile artist, who accompanied them on the journey.  In lieu of a website for her, here are some images of her work which will be part of the chat on the show.

Hope you can tune in 8.00-10.00pm gmt. Remember it’s MonFM , and by the way, to play the station on a mobile device or ipad, you can use the browser Cloudbrowse. OK? The player doesn’t function with safari/firefox/int.exp etc on mobiles for this.

More about my Norfolk donner und blitzen boat trip and larging it with the Lowestoft lemurs soon. (what? yes folks there’s a lot more lions to East Anglia than meets the eye)..

And Sergei was on top form. (I guess this ref is just for UK readers!!!)


BB is making daily speeches now, giving regular updates on the driveway occupations of vehicles “DADDY CAR!…..MUMMY CAR!….TWE CAR! ” and then once or thrice more, just in case we didn’t quite catch it the first time,  TWE being Uncle Trevor, our neighbour.

The Digger puzzle must be completed twice before breakfast, and then the breakfast itself hurled across the kitchen, scoring a direct hit and a yelp from Mummy being a kind of goal….we’re all getting pretty good at ducking these days. His aim is very good, already showing excellent bowling skills.

All the doors except the front door are now accessible, and are a popular opening and slamming toy, and running out of the bedroom to climb on the toilet in the bathroom and turn on the taps full volume is the favourite getting up activity of the last two weeks, requiring me to scramble at top speed and leg it in pursuit without so much as 2 nanoseconds for a yawn.

We’re just back from Baby Gym in Bangor, so BB is now conked out big time, having previously rapidly inhaled a few strawberries and a wedge of bara brith (the local fruit loaf). He wasn’t quite so active on the runway this week, preferring instead to frog jump onto giant rubber balls and get to grips with those dinonsaur rope stilt thingies – no idea what they’re called actually. Still it’s nice to have a sit down now, not being a frog myself you understand.

I’m toddling off later to do my first bit of audio editing in readiness for Monday night’s show, David Jones talking about his striking dream-inspired prints and sculptures, and how the concept of art school has changed. Also we have local plankton guru, marine scientist and impresario Peter Williams tootling in to tell us why he’s created an art exhibition on this theme for Beaumaris’ art festival.  Still working on my playlist and definitely me-likey-ing very much getting my selections together. We’re not quite at Yowser quality yet – may need few more weeks to get the “ooh that’s fantastic” out of my mouth, but better than too many foots in, I suppose.

Have begun the long haul of re-designing my website, since my publishing function has gone caput for a month now and no way to rehaul it despite long hours of silent and audible and occasionally fractious chat with web hosts and programme bods. Feel pressured by knowledge of out of date public presence, but aiming to remain chilled and make the most of iweb’s demise – seems like nuts to me, getting the new one up is far slower. But new looks are good – unless it’s Postman Pat it seems.

Anglesey Today have been in touch to do a feature, and in the meantime I’m playing with lights and stencils, quite enchanting myself in various attempts to make a flat surface appear 3D. Shadow puppets are being re-morphed into still and mobile artworks.

Am a bit boosted to know that The Art Lounge will get a mention on the airwaves in Madrid this week, muchas gracias to Maria Brex broadcasting on ag_radio.php#   from Circulo de Bellas Artes, the big cultural centre.

Oh and since she asked me to source some Welsh music and just found this gorgeous and skin-tinglingly wonderful song by Math Bolton on  Paul Williams Welsh Celtify prog…check this out …..all yowser quality here….

See yous later


Phew, well phew again. Have gotten over the first rough-around-the-edges-nervous-ninny broadcast of my first arts show on Monday night, and am now feeling a good deal more high-diggedy for the next one, which should be a bit more chilled and a lot less “xcnzxcxzcxzncixnjnnckjnakcnk”

Here it is if you’re wondering, with possibly the fastest show intro ever due to nerv. nin.initial atmos,,,but improves throughout I guess:    The Art Lounge, 7th May 2012

And you can log on to MixCloud to get sent notifications of following shows in the series. Every Monday night 8.00-10.00 until I get trampled by a marauding herd of red squirrels or simply continue for the foreseable. And we genuinely do want to hear from you if you’re human and like/do/visit art and design. Never figured on a career as a broadcaster but now suspect the lure of the deck maybe stronger than at first thought. Now am wondering how to reassert the book project in addition to art/blog and show research. And not enough h’s in the d methinks.

And no, this isn’t a pic of me on the deck – not yet got those ambient shots with hair vertically arranged around headphones on account of hair-raising terror induced by taking the plunge without altogether deep training. Ho Hum.

But am enjoying some music research and thinking of bringing a bit more of an Italian, Lebanese, Egyptian, Spanish vibe to the island to co-mingle with some homegrown electronic. Knowledge and suggests in this area ver ver welcome, all contemporary please. Aim to make a feel good Monday night.     Meanwhile am busy making shadow puppets for workshop at Glynllifon this Sunday, not my usual line  but of various applied arts suggests this was the one seemed popular. So am segmenting fairy tale characters and giant babies in black card and waving their body parts in dowelling rod in the back studio. If ever we get webcam in the Mon studio, will share there too – maybe to some Orbital. Thinking now, maybe ought to have made a belly dancer….is there still time? nope it’s friday.

Time for some soup.

A grand and fab weekend to youze.


Mon FM

Am already beginning to get butterflies about my first broadcast on Mon FM airing Monday evenings starting on 7th May between 8.00-10.00pm on

Will I mess up the mics? will I bite my tongue, lose my train of thought, ramble incoherently? I have booked the foot extractor which will be on standby as previously  but being in charge of my own show is more eek-tastic, no doubt, aiming for it to be some real leisure pleasure listening. The content  should be great since Phil Brown, graphic designer, illustrator and all round wit will be my guest buddy talking about this and that and a good chunk about his own career and general brilliance.

It’s a visual arts magazine show, and I welcome titbits about this subj. from all over the world as well as locally. My second guest is Martyn Jones, abstract painter, who will be talking about his show at Llangefni’s gallery and his experience exhibiting in America.

Hmm, just noticed my hands have the odour of post-washing up rubber gloves, which won’t do at all. It’s really quite strange to be so white skinned again after so many years in hot countries. i quite forgot I was this colour at the beginning. And I’ve packed all my orange clothes away in suitcases since I look like an idiot in them without a sun tan. BB however, looks very fantastic in his, as I trawl through more great scandinavian websites in an effort to get him away from the tyranny of blue obsession that dominates british stores…..still don’t get that one btw. Try this one if you’re of a like mind, my fav:

Poor BB was up half the night teething so we’re all a bit snaggle-toothed today, taking it very easy for bank holiday. It’s brass monkeys out here anyway – hope it’s better with you and wishing you loads of metaphorical sunshine over the next two days, in place of the real McCoy if you don’t have.

Off to groom the butterflies.

Tune in tomorrow and lend me your ears do. xx

Today’s blog has nothing whatsoever to do with syllabubs, but I like the word very much and syllables are big news this week, – so it’s not rhyme but one of those nearly rhyming thingies, and Cilla Black was the only other Cilla known to me, apart from an HMS Scylla where I once nearly broke into a helicopter following a glass eating stunt at a mess party – but that’s by-the-by.

So BB has made it to the second syllable in true boys-come-slightly-lately-stylie verbally speaking. Uncle Martin, old friend and all round can-do-it-all maintenance man, has at last become MAR-TI, after months of merely MAR. And the ‘oy’ sounds are filling out nicely with boy, toy and OY! Interesting to a former teacher how the vowel sounds come out with such relish – the i of EYE! and the e of PEE! Favourite and only phrase so far is CAR KEY!!, and once claimed, this object is stuck into every available orifice in the house. Current favourite pastimes include throwing things into inaccessible places and then trying to retrieve them – employing as many of the mountaineering, tunneling and excavating skills as possible. It’s time to hold on tight to our mobiles.

There is a great deal of throwing going on now, with everything redundant or unwanted being tossed vehemently across rooms (eg sippy cup or a toy cow mistakenly proffered instead of dinosaur – or vice versa depending on the time of day). We are learning to duck and catch with little warning and now am getting a smidgen worried about the windows since BB is strong as proverbial Ox. A fact he further tried to demonstrate last night by having a go first at lifting Dr E’s dumbbells, and, failing that, me – an even more ambitious choice.

Talking of lifting, thanks to our own local and pretty fantastic Dr Phil – well not actually a doctor but soft-tissue masseuse/therapist – Phil Brown – who helped me get back to muscular normal after a taxing few months extracting mi-laddo from said tunnelling and moutaineering hi and low spots. If you’re feeling the twinges and are near the island, he’s your man and here’s his link:

Lots of fantastic health tips here too. Oh and while we’re on the subj, he’s opening his physical fitness centre very soon, see sister website here if you fancy getting fit with something different without having to leg it off to Bangor:

Ooh and it looks like I’ll be doing a regular Monday night arts slot on Mon FM starting in just over a week (arrrrrrrrrghghghghg!), which is all champion if slightly scary prospect. BTW, thanks to the Mon FM guys for editing programmes The Difference Engine and Right Side of the Brain. It was exceedingly groovy to be given the chance to discuss my artwork in depth – and ver ver nice studio folk. Here’s the second one in case you missed it:

This is all quite link-tastic. Got some more good suggests’ too but will add on new post so there’s no link-fatigue.

BB’s snoring sweetly in the back seat, may shortly wake to sounds of strimmer now buzzing in back garden. BTW is the weather ever going to warm up around here?

Have a bonnie weekend y’all.

Marsalemma (as they say in Cairo)